About the Authors
Hi, I'm Ollie the little Bigfoot! I want to introduce you to some pretty amazing people, the Champion family. Without them, the world wouldn't have learned about me and my message. It all started when Traci came up with the idea of spreading the message that being different is okay! From there, she asked her daughters Mia and Zoe for some help to create a story everyone would love and relate to. Between the three of them they created a pretty awesome Bigfoot if I do say so myself! But hey, we can't forget about Max! He was what inspired it all! You see, Max and I are alike in every way. We both love our Crocs and doing things differently, but that's okay! After a lot of hard work, the family created a story to tell about all my wonderful adventures, and that just because I might do things differently doesn't mean I'm not just like everyone else. If anything, it makes me special and unique.  Adam, Traci, Mia, Zoe, and Max have worked very hard along with the help of their family and friends to share my story. You see it's not just for kids, it's for everyone from zero to a thousand! Who knows, maybe soon you'll get to know more about me and my many adventures. You'll just have to wait and see!
From your friend,